Dragon Eye Flashlight – How to Train Your Dragon – HTTYD


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Dragon Eye Flashlight, inspired by the How to Train Your Dragon TV show.

This listing is for the full-size (larger) “Dragon Eye Flashlight”, I also sell a mini (smaller) one, see my shop for that listing.

The 3d model is my own original design inspired by the How To Train Your Dragon “Dragon Eye”, but this is NOT intended to be an exact replica. It is a FLASHLIGHT it is not a functional projector. This item is 3d printed using plastic and resin, is assembled using acrylic glue. It can be purchased painted or unpainted. If you purchase it painted I will hand paint it using Acrylic paint and clear coat.


These are the base prices, all sales and coupons are applied as a percentage off of the total.

Base Dragon Eye + Keys = $39.99
Paint = $10.00
Flashlight = $7
Stick Stand* = $5
Grey Stand** = $2

*The stick stand is not real sticks, they are 3d printed brown plastic.
**These have been known to bend under the weight of the Dragon Eye and are being discontinued. I am currently selling the remaining grey stands I have premade for $2. Once they are gone I will remove the option from the listing.


The flashlight is a discontinued Ozard Trail (Walmart Brand) 450 Lumen Flashlight. They originally cost $14 but I purchased 100 of them for $7 each as they were clearanced. They can no longer be purchased in any store or online. Once I sell through my stock I will need to find another similar flashlight and redesign the Dragon Eye to fit around that new flashlight, and at that time the price will likely increase.


This toy is solid and has been designed to be played with, it will not likely break from use or small drops. The small “key” (shaped like a tooth) is more delicate and may break or be lost and so I will send an extra. This key is cosmetic only and is not required to turn on the flashlight.
This may be a toy but it is very accurate to the show (minus the projector inserts) and would be perfect for Cosplay.
The middle pieces are a puzzle, you rotate each ring to line up the images.

VS. Dragon Eye Mini

This listing is for the larger Dragon Eye, I also make a mini (smaller) Dragon Eye, see my shop for that listing.

This Dragon Eye has a larger, brighter, flashlight. It takes more batteries and therefore I assume it will last longer (I have yet to kill the battery in mine).
This Dragon Eye has more details on the neck.
This Dragon Eye has 9 rings (like the show) with more dragon puzzles.
The key is removable (and I include an extra) in this version and it is not removable in the mini version.
The size is more accurate (compared to the character’s hands in the show)
This has a larger area for personalization’s, it could easily fit most names (first and last) whereas I would only suggest initials on the “mini”.

Estimated Time

I do try to keep a few unpainted and a few painted Dragon Eyes in stock. So if you do not want them personalized (your name under the head) I can typically ship it out in 1-2 post office days (the post office is closed on sundays and US holidays). If I do run out of premade stock, or if you want it personalized it will take me 3-4 days to create your order.

This Dragon Eye design contains 22 parts (1 head, 2 eyes, 2 sections of “tube”, 9 rings, 1 button, 1 button gem, the back cover is printed in 2 pieces, 1 TPU flashlight sleeve, 1 stand, and 2 keys) which takes a total of 2-3 days to 3d print. I hand-paint the item, which takes me 2 hours (6+ hours to dry), and then Mod Podge / Clear coats the entire thing (12+ hours to dry). So It takes me about 3-4 days to produce and ship a Dragon Eye if it is personalized or not in stock.

Additional information

Weight 31 oz
Dimensions 12 × 7 × 7 in

Not Painted, Painted


Grey Stand, Stand Not Included, Stick Stand


450 Lumen Flashlight, Flashlight Not Included


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